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There are 17 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Asia Pacific ex Japan".

Displaying: 11 - 17 of 17

Asia Q3 outlook - openings and opportunities

Financials markets are at a transition point, with shifting policy and inflation dynamics prompting a “global reset”. Amid this disruption, Global CIO Andrew McCaffery believes Asia stands in a relatively strong position, with China starting to look increasingly attractive as it re-emerges from lockdowns.

Tags: Fidelity, Equities, Economics, Fixed Income, Asia Pacific ex Japan
China's property downturn may have found a floor

The Chinese government’s will to reform its important property sector is balanced against the more urgent task of reviving a slowing economy. With policy showing signs of softening, we assess what happens next and look at the investment opportunities in ancillary areas related to building maintenance and upgrades.

Tags: Fidelity, equities, fixed income, Asia Pacific ex Japan
The Asia Call: China deep dive

Find out the latest from Fidelity’s locally-based investment team as they focus on the outlook for Asia’s largest and most important economy - China. From the latest market trends to shifting policy dynamics, they discuss the key factors shaping the investment landscape and reveal how this is impacting current views and positioning.

Tags: Fidelity, Asia Pacific ex Japan, Sustainable Investing, Equities
What's ahead for China's markets in the Year of the Ox?

As China celebrates a new lunar year, Fidelity China Consumer Fund Manager Hyomi Jie looks ahead and assesses whether the Year of the Ox (or Bull) will live up to its name. She discusses whether China will be able to sustain its remarkable post-Covid-19 recovery and outlines why investors need to be on guard against divergent sector performance.

Tags: Fidelity, Asia Pacific ex Japan, emerging markets
China, the West and the rest: progress on vaccine rollouts

Our health care analyst discusses the wide-ranging approaches taken by countries across the globe to vaccinate their populations and what that might mean for a global recovery - in health and in wealth terms. While China is firing on all cylinders, Israel stands out as the fastest mover among developed markets.

Tags: Europe ex UK, global, UK, Asia Pacific ex Japan
Three themes defining China's innovation push

Innovation has transformed the world and impacted everything from the way we travel, communicate and work. Although historically been viewed as an imitator, China is now at the forefront of the next wave of innovation. Our team outline three themes set to define China’s future dominance and where the investment opportunities lie.

Tags: Asia Pacific ex Japan, Fidelity
The end of the journey West: Chinese firms come home

Paras Anand, Chief Investment Officer, Asia Pacific, discusses how an increasing number of Chinese firms are shifting their focus away from a US listing in favour of domestic stock markets. He examines what’s driving this sea change and the implications for both Chinese companies and international investors.

Tags: Fidelity, Asia Pacific ex Japan, Emerging Markets, Equities

Displaying: 11 - 17 of 17